Fax Sending on USB Modem (Olitec V92Ready)

  • Hello,
    I recently installed the Tobit Faxware for one of my french customers. The modem is a USB Modem. During the installation of David.fx, I made the automatic detection of the modem, at the initialization, Tobit reported an error. The dialing is ok, but No Fax recieving, No Fax sending. I made tries with the windows fax service (Win server2008 ), in/out, eveverything is ok. So I took the Init string used by Windows, and tried again. Incoming fax are reveived now, but I can't send (I already check the prefix "0" for the phone line). The status monitor say "PERFORMING TRAINING", and after a few minutes, the modem become "idle" and the status of the document become : "Unknow recipient function" (in david.fx).

    Here : the TLD file

    It seems that the destination fax can't understand the protocol the David.fx try to use.
    Is there somebody who can help me ?
    Thank you,

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