Probleme mit V8+ keine E-mail Abhollung mehr!!

  • Hallo Liebe Forum Gemeinde….

    Ich habe folgendes Problem , mein David hollt seit der Neu Installation keine E-Mails Ab…

    Folgende Fehler Meldungen :
    [font=&quot]One or more System Service(s) not available [/font]
     [font=&quot]Your account does not have sufficient credit. [/font]
     [font=&quot]The operation of some David Backline Features you intend to use are liable to pay the costs, but your account at Tobit.NET seems to have no more credit. [/font]
     [font=&quot]Please check your account at Tobit.NET and make sure that it is loaded sufficiently. The affected services are listed below. [/font]
     [font=&quot]Service is not available due to insufficient credit.[/font]

    Das ist Wahrscheinlich irgend en Premium Dienst!!
    Port 0 Protokoll

    Host IP 1:
    MSN TLS initialisation successful
    (00000484) SMTP Listener Active
    (00000500) SMTP ATRN Listener Active
    (00000524) Secure Listener Active
    [568] 220 Service ready by DvISE PostMan (0233) ESMTP Server (Tobit Software, Germany)
    (00000568) Read failed: Got=0
    [568] 421 Service not available

    Mail Access Server

    New Connection Accepted: 00000476
    +OK DvISE Mail Access Server Server ready (Tobit Software, Germany)
    (00000476) Read failed: Got=0
    New Connection Accepted: 00000476
    +OK DvISE Mail Access Server Server ready (Tobit Software, Germany)
    USER manuel
    +OK User manuel well known
    PASS ****
    User manuel unknown
    (00000476) Read failed: Got=0
    New Connection Accepted: 00000476
    +OK DvISE Mail Access Server Server ready (Tobit Software, Germany)
    USER manuel@*******.eu
    +OK User manuel@*******.eu well known
    PASS ****
    User manuel@*******.eu unknown
    (00000476) Read failed: Got=0
    New Connection Accepted: 00000476
    +OK DvISE Mail Access Server Server ready (Tobit Software, Germany)
    USER manuel@********.eu
    +OK User manuel@*******.eu well known
    PASS ****
    User manuel@*******.eu unknown
    (00000476) Read failed: Got=0
    New Connection Accepted: 00000476
    +OK DvISE Mail Access Server Server ready (Tobit Software, Germany)
    USER manuel@*******.eu
    +OK User manuel@*****eu well known
    PASS ****
    User manuel@*****.eu unknown
    (00000476) Read failed: Got=0
    Purging IP List

    Grabbing Server

    (00000484) Got complete TCP Message (Size=30)
    (3) +OK User logged in, proceed.
    (3) STAT
    (00000484) write (6)
    (00000552) read (24/0)
    (00000552) Got complete TCP Message (Size=24)
    (1) +OK Closing connection
    Resume Thread (1) for city**** (
    Pop3 1 Thread active
    (00000552) New Socket
    (00000552) UDP SendTo (29)
    Query Entries : 1
    Answer Entries : 0
    Name Server Entries: 0
    Resource Entries : 0
    (4) +OK 9 messages, listing follows
    (4) UIDL 1
    (00000548) write (8)
    (00000484) read (15/0)
    (00000484) Got complete TCP Message (Size=15)
    (3) +OK 17 372961
    (3) Open Messagelist file (\\SERVER\DAVID\apps\dvgrab\code\I16BF799.lst)
    (3) LIST
    (00000484) write (6)
    (00000552) UDP RecvFrom (94)
    Query Entries : 1
    Answer Entries : 3
    IP Adr.
    Name Server Entries: 0
    Resource Entries : 0
    Pop3 1 Thread: Set Userarchive as Destination (\\SERVER\DAVID\archive\user\1000C000\in\)
    Pop3 1 Thread: poll Mailbox city**** (
    (1) Connecting to server
    (00000552) New Socket
    (00000552) ReUseAddr : 1
    (00000552) OutOfBandDataInline: 1
    (00000552) KeepAlive : 5 minutes
    (00000552) Socket Bound to Port 0
    (00000552) Socket Connected to
    (00000548) read (40/0)
    (00000548) Got complete TCP Message (Size=40)
    (4) +OK 1 4200b440a34ad2c88109e3f2892f3be9
    (4) UIDL
    (00000548) write (6)
    (3) +OK 17 messages, listing follows
    (3) UIDL 1
    (00000484) write (8)
    (4) +OK 9 messages, listing follows
    (4) QUIT
    (00000548) write (6)
    (00000484) read (40/0)
    (00000484) Got complete TCP Message (Size=40)
    (3) +OK 1 cc768a4a6267947e21d2fdfb258f0646
    (3) UIDL
    (00000484) write (6)
    (00000548) read (24/0)
    (00000548) Got complete TCP Message (Size=24)
    (4) +OK Closing connection
    (3) +OK 17 messages, listing follows
    (3) QUIT
    (00000484) write (6)
    (00000484) read (24/0)
    (00000484) Got complete TCP Message (Size=24)
    (3) +OK Closing connection

    Vielen Dank für eure Hilfe

  • Hallo,

    steht doch alles drin: The operation of some David Backline
    Features you intend to use are liable to pay the costs, but your
    account at Tobit.NET seems to have no more credit. Du hast Dienste installiert, gebucht die kostenpfilchtig sind und dein Konto hat keine Deckung.

    Da ist bei der Neuinstallation wohl was in die Hose gegangen.


  • Hallo,

    steht doch alles drin: The operation of some David Backline
    Features you intend to use are liable to pay the costs, but your
    account at Tobit.NET seems to have no more credit. Du hast Dienste installiert, gebucht die kostenpfilchtig sind und dein Konto hat keine Deckung.

    Da ist bei der Neuinstallation wohl was in die Hose gegangen.


    Ja ich habe jetzt Neuinstalliert..... der Fehler isch aber immer noch da!!!

  • Hallo,

    dann schau doch mal die installierten Backline Features durch. Da liegt das Problem...


    *lach* Du Sprichst mir aus der Seeeeeele*G* Hab i schon gemacht... und nichts Gefunden!!!!

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