Getting TAPI to work

  • Hello everyone, sorry my German is not that great, hope someone can reply in English. I am working for a company that just got David V8, which is something I've never seen before. And I'm in charge of setting it up and even teaching the staff how to use it :(
    Most of our business is done through telephone contacts, and I need to get the TAPI function to work. I need it to get the number from the phone system (it's supposedly all physically connected correctly), and if it's a number from our customer database, which in all likelihood it will be, I need the corresponding database entry to pop up for the sales rep who is accepting the call.

    In other words:

    1. Someone calls our office
    2. David gets the incoming phone number
    3. David checks if the number exists in the database
    4. If it does, the database entry opens up on the screen.

    That's it, I hope someone can help me with this, thanks in advance, it would be a life saver!

    Best wishes

    Johnny Firic

    "Opstanak" Split

  • Hi,
    no way, first David uses CAPI not TAPI, and second, for the described functionality you will need an additional Tool, like our cti4all, which isnt finished right now, but will be in the next 4-8 weeks.
    it searches for an address in David Address-Archives(recursively) or a specified Sql-Table, and pops up a user-customizable callnote dialog, their contents are saved in David as Html Protocol or in a journal sql table.
    Would that fit your needs?

  • Hi!

    That isn't correct, I think.

    Tobit provides a simple TAPI-driver in the directory David\Clients\Windows\TAPI. But I have tried to use it under WinXP without any success.

    The driver supports only Windows versions 95/98/NT/2000.

    If you want to use real TAPI-funktions of your pbx, you can use the ESTOS TAPI-Server (). Here you can also open a contact of David or use the TAPI-interface.



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