abgeschnittene Faxeseiten, d.h. mit LANCOM CAPI und älteren FX

  • Hallo,

    bei einem VMWARE FAXServer gibt es das Problem, dass die Faxseite nur zur hälfte ankommt, d.h. man sieht den oberen Teil.

    Ein LANCOM Router liefert den CAPI Dienst, es ist eine etwas ältere David FX Version im Einsatz.

    CAPI wurde deinstalliert und neu installiert.

    Mit den Wert in der TLD.INI haben wir schon etwas erhöht/geändert, was könnte das sein?

  • das ist die TLD.ini


    ;Transport Layer Driver Initialization File for CAPI
    compatible boards.

    ;Refer manual for details.

    ;AddPrefix= True;

    ; Defines if the TLD
    should add the national or international prefix number

    ; to the sender ID of
    incoming voice calls. Set AddPrefix to True if your PBX

    ; does not provide
    David with these prefix numbers. Use the NationalPrefix and

    ; InternationalPrefix
    parameters to specify the numbers to be added (see below).


    ; This setting only
    takes effect if AddPrefix is set to True (see above).

    ; Specifies the
    prefix that is to be added in front of the Sender ID of

    ; incoming national
    voice calls.


    ; This setting only
    takes effect if AddPrefix is set to True (see above).

    ; Specifies the
    prefix that is to be added in front of the Sender ID of

    ; incoming
    international voice calls.

    Name = LANCOM Systems GmbH

    ; Default is none
    (left blank)

    ; Specifies the name
    of the ISDN-Board

    ;CAPIVersion = 0

    ; Default is auto

    ; Valid are values 0
    to 2

    ; 0 = Unknown

    ; 1 = CAPI 1.1

    ; 2 = CAPI 2.0

    Controller = 1

    ; Default is 0 or 1
    (see below)

    ; Specifies the
    number of the ISDN-Board which is to be used.

    ; For CAPI Version
    1.1 the Controller starts with value 0.

    ; For CAPI Version
    2.0 the Controller starts with value 1.

    Routing = 2

    ; Default is 0

    ; Specifies the
    method of inbound routing.

    ; 0 is for no routing
    by TLD (CSID)

    ; 1 is for DDI

    ; 2 is for MSN

    ;DDIPrefix =

    ; Default is none
    (left blank)

    ; Takes only effect
    if Routing = 1

    ; See documentation
    for details.

    DDILength =

    ; Default is 3

    ; Valid is 1-5

    ; Takes only effect
    if Routing = 1

    ; See documentation
    for details.

    ;DDILenOnly = False

    ; Default is False

    ; Valid is True or

    ; Takes only Effect
    if Routing = 1

    ; Defines if the TLD
    should stop receiving DDI Informations if the

    ; expected DDI
    Substring has been received. If DDILenOnly is set to True

    ; the TLD connects
    more quick.

    ;DDIOffset = -1

    ; Default is -1

    ; Valid is 1-10

    ; Takes only Effect
    if Routing = 1

    ; -1 : DDI will be taken from the end of the
    received DDI String

    ; 0-10 : DDI will be
    taken from the stated position within the DDI String

    DDIRange =

    ; Default is none
    (left blank)

    ; Takes only Effect
    if Routing = 1

    ; Specifies the DDI
    range the TLD reacts on.

    ;DDIOut =

    ; Default is none
    (left blank)

    ; Takes only Effect
    if Routing = 1

    ; Only necessary for
    some special PBX

    ;TxMSN = 0

    ; Default is 0

    ; Only necessary for
    some special PBX.

    RxMSN =

    ; Default is none
    (left blank)

    ; Specifies the Multi
    Subscriper Numbers the TLD.NLM reacts on.

    ; Multiple MSN's can
    be specified, seperated by a comma

    ; See documentation
    for details.

    ;DebugMode = 3

    ; Default is 3

    ; Specifies the depth
    of technical information recorded.

    ; Valid is 0 - 5

    ; 0 is for none

    ; 1 is for important
    messages only

    ; 5 is for any capi

    ;IsULaw = False

    ; Default is False
    (Use A-Law)

    ; Specifies the local
    ISDN Voice coding format

    ; Valid is True or

    ; In Europe A-Law is
    used, in america æ-Law.

    ;AnswerDataCalls = True

    ; Default is True

    ; Valid is True or

    ; Specifies if
    datacalls (FaxPlus) should be answered by TLD.

    ; This parameter has
    to be set to FALSE if you want to run e. g. a MPR

    ; and the TLD on the
    same ISDN Controller.


    ;TimeOut = 60

    ; Default is 60

    ; Specifies the time
    (in seconds) before timeout message appears.

    ;ISDN_Service_FaxG3 = 1

    ; Default is 1

    ; Specifies the
    service which is used for outgoing fax (Group 3)

    ; 0 is for a/b

    ; 1 is for analog

    ;DynamicCSID = True

    ; Default is True

    ; Valid is True or

    ; Takes only Effect
    if Routing = 1

    ; Defines if a
    received DDI should be mirrored within the CSID.

    ;WaitForDisconnect = False

    ; Default is False

    ; Valid is True or

    ; Defines if the TLD
    should not force disconnection at the end of fax.

    ; This parameter is
    necessary for Dr. Neuhaus 3009 Hybrid boards.

    ;HeaderLineFeed = 0

    ; Default is 0

    ; Valid is 0-37

    ; Specifies the
    number of pixel lines left blank before sending fax

    ; image. To avoid
    overlay with David headline.

    ;DefaultFaxPlus = False

    ; Default is False

    ; Valid is True or

    ; Defines if the TLD
    should try to establish a FaxPlus connection first.

    ; True is for try
    FaxPlus before G3 call

    ; False is for no

    ;HandleUnloadEvent = True

    ; Default is True

    ; Valid is True or

    ; Specifies if the
    TLD should ask for confirmation if the TLD is to be

    ; unloaded by using
    the UNLOAD command on the Server Console.

    ; True is for asking
    for confirmation

    ; False is for
    unloading without confirmation

    ;MaxTimeActive = 600

    ; Default is 600

    ; Specifies the
    maximum time for a voice connection (in seconds).

    ;MaxPageSize = 5.242.880

    ; Defines the maximum
    permissable size of a fax page. If this value is

    ; exeeded reception
    will be aborted.

    ;Optimized = 1

    ; Default is 1

    ; Valid are values 0
    to 2

    ; If Optimized is set
    to 1, David will create A-Law copies of the played

    ; WAV files, which
    will be used in future. The advantage is a better

    ; system perfomance.

    ;ProtocolFromEntry = False

    ; Default is False

    ; Valid is True or

    ; If
    ProtocolFromEntry is set to True, the CLI instead of the CSID will

    ; be placed within
    the From field of the receive log

    ;BeepOnRx = False

    ; Default is False

    ; Valid is True or

    ; Specifies if the
    server should beep on an incoming call.

    ;FaxTxScript = False

    ; Default is False

    ; Valid is True or

    ; Specifies if the
    server will process a fax job by starting the script.


    ; Default is

    ; Specifies the
    script file that will be used by the TLD.

    ;BusyCharge =

    ; Defines a charge
    unit that will be charged when the distant station is

    ; busy

    ; Example: BusyCharge
    = 12


    ; Number for outgoing


    ; Number for incoming

    IHSAutoConfNumber =













  • Moin!

    Was für ein LANCOM Router ist im Einsatz? Welche LANCAPI Version? Seit wann tritt das Problem auf? VoiP oder Festnetz? Was meldet der Status Monitor des Ports im DAVID Administrator? Einen Trace mittels LANCOM LANconfig schon angefertig und ausgewertet? Versand i.O.?

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