is there a 'tobit' way to check for duplicates in an address book or even multiple address book archives ? or will i have to export them all and tidy them up in excel etc .... before importing them back in ?
thank you.
is there a 'tobit' way to check for duplicates in an address book or even multiple address book archives ? or will i have to export them all and tidy them up in excel etc .... before importing them back in ?
thank you.
is there a 'tobit' way to check for duplicates in an address book or even multiple address book archives
I don't think so. You will have duplicates.
ok thank you - a quick google i think sto see if anyone has created an excel spreadsheet to sort dupliates etc from an exported email address book, bit of a long shot
Just to expand on this a little more.
I've just noticed that although i can export the address book there is no import, apart from the windows address book.
So, I've got to export the csv file, edit it in excel, import it into the address book and then import that back into Tobit ?! Has anyone else done this ? i'm worried that fields are going to dissappear as i export / import / import ? IS this the only way ?
I don´t quite get your exporting and importing.
Contacts are in alphabetical order, so why not killing the dublicates in Tobit?
because we have been using the global address book and users local address book. so multiple duplicates in multiple places and well as in the same address book.
All sorted now - export's, excel spreadsheets highlighting duplicates and incorrect email address's etc ..... import into outlook and then import back into empty global adress book. took a few hours but it's in a much better state now
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